Monday, September 13, 2010

It's Time for "Not Me Monday"

So a great lady I know introduced me to and I absolutely love it! We're constantly criticizing ourselves and others about motherhood. And I think it needs to stop. We are all guilty of slacking here and there, no one is perfect. But we are great. It is the hardest job in the world and we need to appreciate ourselves for doing it. Because, there are so many people in the world who give up on parenting! So appreciate yourselves and know that no one is perfect!!

I am Not sitting here blogging/facebooking when I have dishes that need to be washed and clothes that need put away. Nope, not me I am June Cleaver made over! I do not wish over and over again that my soon-to-be-husband will buy me a Lisa Leonard custom necklace! I am very practical with money and never want anything I don't NEED!! Ever! I was not mean to my soon-to-be-husband on the day of our sons birthday party because I was in total shock that he is actually turning one and is no longer my baby! I am nice no matter what! And I am Not having horrible heartburn due to eating Taco Bell. I would never eat such an unhealthy thing!!

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